Test your Dog and Cat for possible Urinary Tract Infection as Preventive Care or at First Suspicious Symptoms.
Collect your Pet Urine with our Free-Catch Method.
Bring sample to your Veterinarian for Urinalysis.
For Male and Female - Reusable
Hydrophobic and Reusable
Results in 2 Minutes
Our Urine Collectors are all Reusable and our Packaging is designed to reduce waste.
We offer non-invasive and stress-free products for Pets.
Pet Parents love our products. So easy-to-use! Read more about their testimonials.
Abby is my 5 year old chihuahua rescued from our local shelter, Bowling Green Warren County (KY) Humane Society. She was sick when I rescued her on 9-11-2012. Suffering with severe chronic pancreatitis. After several bouts, her pancreas failed. She was diagnosed with diabetes Jan 2016. I immediately began my research into this vicious disease. It affects every vital organ. I needed an accurate, inexpensive method of monitoring her general health & also for UTI’S since they are very common with a diabetic. In managing Abby’s diabetes, I use the Genteel Lancing Device. For her UTI, I came across PawCheck & decided to give it a try. I asked my vet also & he said they would be much more accurate than using human strips since the make up of canines is much different than humans. I’ve used both the general health & the UTI for keeping a check on Abby. I feel very confident in the results & so far her annual bloodwork supports their accuracy. I do a general health check every 6 mos & UTI check about every 3, unless I see unusual behavior from her. So far we have managed to keep her UTI free. I recommend PawCheck to all my diabetic dog groups & those I know personally with diabetic pups. Diabetes is a disease that can be successfully treated & managed if you decide to take control of IT! Home monitoring their blood sugar is critical as is monitoring for UTIs & their general health. PawCheck is vital in the care of my “Sugar Baby” Abby.